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During our third year study trip to Edinburgh, our praxis was encouraged ​to capture interesting moments of exchange. These moments for me revolved around art and creative activity as this linked to my initial ideas for our studio project narrative. Exploring the city I tried to capture as many moments as possible varying from hushed conversations in art galleries to night outs in artsy bars in the trendiest parts of the city. Looking in depth at the city with this mindset brought the experience to a personal level, delving into the human aspects of the city which is a great asset to any designer. It allowed us to gain a feel for the local culture rather than just the touristic image.



Whilst visiting the port of Leith in Edinburgh, I happened upon the Leith School of Art in a small converted church on North Junction Street. The day I arrived was their open day for prospective students and the public so I was able to have a tour of the renovated chapel and adjoining church hall which had been completely converted into artist studios.


The moment I have captured here was one of an older artist (far right figure) looking through the stained glass window of the church hall into the studio where a girl was sat painting. Other students are interacting in the background taking in the open day and talking amongst themselves at the back of the room. I chose this moment because of the interaction between age groups, architecture and spaces as well as it being an interesting insight into a redesigned space for art.



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