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After listening to and analysing the concerns of Stretford residents about 'What was missing from Stretford' indicated that two age-groups in particular had been neglected in the community: the very young and the very old. Feeling drawn to this sentiment, I will be developing a design for an inter-generational space in which the old and young can co-exist, learning and interacting with each other whilst participating in activities together. It will have particular emphasis on art and green space.

Researching this 'inter-generational' concept, I came across a case-study in Seattle of a nursery being held in an senior care home called 'The Mount'. The initiative has been running for over twenty years now and the immediate results in both parties have been profound. The initiative is based on the fact that both age groups can be described as 'present-minded' and this is the reason why the interaction between the generations works and relationships are formed. The children are too young to have formed any kind of cynicism, suspicion or ideas about it being something to be scared of. In particular regard to Alzheimer's and Dementure patients, the interaction with children can trigger memories from their own childhood, having their own children or simply happy memories. Children become used to the older generation at an early age and take the interaction as a norm, developing an accepting heart for the future. This is a concept which I aim to achieve in my design for Stretford.


Providence Mount St Vincent, "The Mount": a  vibrant, elegant and innovative care community for older adults that celebrates life, living and individual capability through inter-generational activity.

An inter-generational moment captured


©2020 Charlotte Cane 

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